

WVC 行为干预 Team 

 The purpose of the 行为干预 Team is to educate and support the WVC community and facilitate communication regarding disruptive behavior in an effort to promote a safe college environment for everyone.

 The team is a multi-disciplinary group of college administrators, faculty, counselors and campus security who serve as an assessment group when a student's behavior has been so peculiar, problematic, distraction or disruptive that it calls for reporting. The 行为干预 Team is responsible for implementing a proactive student behavioral intervention process that uses both formal and informal protocols to both assess behavior that poses a potential threat to campus safety and security and coordinates resources for early intervention and support for involved students.

The 行为干预 Team is the clearinghouse for tracking and responding to behavioral issues that are reported on campus. The team works with students, faculty and staff to identify and respond to student behaviors that cause others concern and/or fear that the student poses a danger to self, others or the college community.  他们 then will analyze and assess the situation and make caring, proactive recommendations about the best ways to help the individual or individuals through support, intervention 或推荐. Team members will also coordinate follow-up when appropriate.

什么是有害行为? Sometimes, people may be thinking about harming themselves.  This could include suicidal thoughts or actions. Someone might act erratically, disrupting classes or events or exhibit behavior that could potentially be threatening to self 或其他.  These types of behavior should not be taken lightly and should be reported. 


If you see another student whose behavior seems like a “red flag” for potential harm or threat to self 或其他, you can help. 

  • If the threat is immediate – 拨打911.
  • Even if the threat isn’t immediate, it’s still important to act.  同时,请提交 事故报告. 你可以提交你的 report online by clicking here.

 If the action of the individual is disruptive, you feel threatened, or makes you or others 感觉不安全,打电话 安全 at 6911 from campus phones or (509) 423-3705 from non-campus phones and contact your supervisor. On the Omak campus, call security concerns at 7911 with an on campus phone or (509) 422-7911 from non-campus phone. 

Who can complete an 事故报告 或推荐?

Anyone who feels a student’s behavior is a “red flag” that could potentially indicate a threat to self 或其他 can make an Incident Report. 如果有人在演戏 erratically, disrupting classes or events it should be reported.  Students, faculty, staff and other community members are all encouraged to complete an 事故报告 when observing these behaviors.

What will happen after I make a referral?

Based on information in the report, members of the 行为干预 Team will 确定接下来的步骤. 

Your report is the first step -- and the most important!

 In the cases of immediate threat to self or someone else CALL 911 immediately.  Do not be concerned if it turns out not to be as serious as you thought.  这样更好 to have security and law enforcement available then to have a situation that no one 回应.